Monday, August 1, 2011

Udi's love... and my trip to Whole Foods in Maine

It figures that I travel 2,600 miles away from home and finally found Udi's Hamburger Buns at the Portland, Maine Whole Foods. We were headed to a friend's house for the weekend and I grabbed a bag. We didn't end up having burgers at all so I carried them around for a few days before trying them.

From Droid think outside
I was a bit sad to have waited so long... and it was dry and crumbling. I know you're thinking this post is titled "Udi's love..." true. I'm giving Udi's a pass on this one since I carried the buns around for 4 days, they weren't frozen when I bought them in Maine and I've loved every other Udi's product I've ever tried.
Then we returned to Colorado and I found the hot dog buns tucked in the freezer at my Natural Grocer. We grabbed a pack and headed back to Telluride to return to work after our trip to New England.
The next day I defrosted a bun and used it as a sub roll for lunch....

From Droid think outside
Udi's Love in full force! The texture was spot on and it wasn't stale at all. Sigh... storage makes a huge difference.
Whole Foods did have some bright spots. We had stopped around lunchtime and I made a salad montage.

From Droid think outside
It was a great lunch on the road up to the coast and I also enjoyed half of this...

From Droid think outside
 I loved the single size packaging of this Sweet Sin Cupcake. (If you haven't been reading Marlow's post on Gluten Free Treats Weight Balance I'd highly recommend it.)  I was able to restrain myself after my salad montage on just had half after lunch then enjoyed the rest later in the day. It was kept in the freezer and defrosted quickly in the 102 degree heat on our trip. Yup, 102 degrees in Maine with crazy humidity was a far cry from Telluride's mid 70's and almost no humidity.
It made me very happy to find this section at Whole Foods

From Droid think outside
Three gluten free beer options! Of course I went for the Redbridge as New Planet wasn't an option in Maine.


Marlow said...

Thanks for the shout out lady!! I always toast my Udi's for a hot minute before eating because we don't have a micro. I think the texture is best just a little bit warm.

Unknown said...

Anytime- I've been loving your series of posts. You're so right- Deprivation leads to treats.
I can usually do Udi's by just defrosting in a baggie with a paper towel all morning before lunch and I'm good to go.